Thoughts from a church planting wife: Year 2

2 years! It's been 2 years since we moved to Washington D.C. with a hope and prayer of being able to plant Mercy Hill Church! Ya'll we moved here knowing no one (which I wouldn't suggest to anybody) and had no idea how to get a church off the ground. But God, He did! Despite … Continue reading Thoughts from a church planting wife: Year 2

Welcome to Washington D.C. : How I ended up in a place I never imagined calling home

Its been a little over two months since we made the move to D.C., and this morning I wanted to spend some time (in between saving my toilet paper roles from being completely unrolled and keeping my son from licking the toilet…why did the bathroom become such a cool place for my 10 month old … Continue reading Welcome to Washington D.C. : How I ended up in a place I never imagined calling home